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Paper for Aceh



This study aims to recommend a concept of parenting for children of tsunami. victims It is positive parenting. Tsunami brings own traumatic for the children in Aceh. Children, victim of disaster, is experiencing long term traumatic symptoms include memories and fear of the disaster, and depression – their innocent about nature is lost and many suffer long term emotional distress, anxiety and depression are partly due to reality of the lost or injury starting to sink in the psychology. Children who have lost their families - parents and their siblings - adopted by families, parents of friends, other people, some joined the boarding school, social camps, as well as charitable institutions. Those have duty to upbringing the children, not only be in control of their physical improvement, but also psychology and mental aspect. In some studies indicate that social camps and charitable institutions to a new place to commit violence. Children should be given protection, but quite the contrary they accepted the practice of violence. This violence is also very possible occur in places other. The result shows how important every parent or guardian has knowledge how to care the children affected by the tsunami, mainly related to the development of their psychology and mental aspects. Hence, researcher recommended the concept of positive parenting as a concept has to offer in raising the children of tsunami victims. A concept taught to every parent to think positive for their children, because with positive thinking, character, psychology, and positive mental well will grow. This concept is not only concern with material intelligence improvement, but also mental. Concept which combines the sources of the latest western and Islamic treasures very rich associated with educating children. Concept is suitable combination was developed in Aceh which has a high Muslim spiritual. Keywords: Positive parenting, reconstruct, psychological and mental, children.

On Sunday December 26, 2004 morning, an earthquake followed by massive tsunami waves had ravaged the coastal areas in nine Asian countries, even in parts of the East coast of Africa. According to official data that can be monitored until February 2005, the death toll estimated at more than 157 thousand people. Indonesia recorded a country that suffered damage and the most severe suffering, especially the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), with more than 110 thousand people dead, missing and 12 thousand 703 thousand people were left homeless.

In addition to the many people who died in NAD, physical damage can not be denied. Covering physical damage agriculture there are 9 districts affected by the tsunami in Aceh. Areas of agricultural land damaged hard enough going on in Regency of Aceh Besar, Aceh Barat Daya, Pidie, Bireun, and Aceh Jaya. Thousands of hectares are contaminated mud that is carried by the tsunami. The Conditions in post-tsunami field is visible on the condition of the total dead grass. People are anxious about their fields can not be planted for a long time because the salt levels are too high. Besides rice acreage, hundreds of thousands of wells contaminated population, too. This condition causes the development of the agricultural sector stalled and requires serious treatment for improvement.

As for education, at least there are about 177,000 children in the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) that the school lost due to the earthquake and tsunami disaster. "These children have lost their homes, schools and their teachers, including school purposes, such as school uniform, open and stationery," said Alwi Shihab, Minister of Coordinating for People's Welfare Republic of Indonesia during a press conference with UNICEF representative for Indonesia, Gianfranco Rotigliano, in Banda Aceh . Also mentioned are also due to the earthquake and tsunami that hit some of the most western tip of the province of Indonesia, there are between 765 to 1100 units damaged schools, including religious schools.

The tsunami also impact on the growth of gross domestic product (GDP) of Indonesia, although not expected to impact, because NAD only contributed about 2 percent of Indonesia's GDP, which this year will reach 5.5 percent. "The impact for Indonesia nationally only 0.2 percent," said economic adviser to MasterCard when Yuwa Hedrick Wong presented the results of the consumer confidence index survey by MasterCard International. And a lot more physical damage to be repaired.

In addition to physical disability, the earthquake and tsunami disaster was also caused psychological and mental disabilities. Almost 70% -80% of people who experience traumatic events that gave rise to earthquake symptoms of mental distress are common, such as fear, sleep disturbances, nightmares, panic, excessive standby, or mourning. Overall, disaster victims in the early experience of mental distress are only about 20% -30%, which will have a significant mental disorder, if not immediately tackled well.

One of the post-earthquake mental disorders called post traumatic syndrome disorder (PTSD). PSTD is a psychological disorder that causes sufferers can not feel peace caused by a terrible incident like earthquake. Especially disaster on children will always be remembered with adverse events that have gone through, crying and the more severe is the frequent nightmares and if it happens repeatedly will cause a decrease in the quality of their lives. One effect is a lazy child will learn, play lazy, lazy meal and not covered is likely to cause malnutrition to lead to death.

The children of tsunami victims in Aceh suffered a more severe trauma than children of tsunami victims in other countries. The results of the study children's organization of UNICEF UN shows that Aceh was the region worst affected by the tsunami, so that more children are losing the people closest. "Indeed we found that children in Indonesia it took longer to recover from their trauma and also from feelings of loneliness or boredom in Aceh. And this is based on our 1400 survey of children in four countries, including Indonesia. Actually, these findings are quite understandable, because Indonesia was the hardest hit by the tsunami is. And maybe that comparable exposure to the tsunami that hit a little more. In Indonesia especially in Aceh both qualitatively and quantitatively that they are homeless and also lost one of their family members "said Lely Djuhari, UNICEF spokesman in Aceh.

In this paper will focus the discussion related to psychology and mental recovery of child victims of the earthquake and tsunami. This was considered important to discuss since the children are the future assets that must be considered progress, not only physically but also psychology and mental development.
Psychology and Mental Condition of Children Victims of Tsunami and Its Impact

According to Chairman of Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI) Dr. Rahmat Ismail, a psychologist, currently there are approximately five hundred thousand people of Aceh who suffered psychological trauma after the tsunami in 2004. Of these, one hundred thousand of them suffered severe psychological trauma. Psychological trauma has a variety of forms. Many children who become victims of the Tsunami scared of water, the beach or the sea, and excessive fear of earthquakes and the noise. Psychological trauma can occur in a variety of expressions.

The expression of trauma may be intrusions, namely the victim as if reliving the disaster and a nightmare. Trauma can also form a tendency to avoid a person or object where he experienced the event. Besides trauma can also be hyper-arousal or specific physiological reactions that occur spontaneously, each is a stimulant.

Psychological trauma is a mental illness that must be cured, because it can cause mental disturbance development when the kids were grown. This recovery effort psychological trauma should be done slowly, continuously and gradually. In this effort required the participation of the community, especially the family or who live with these children to support psychological recovery.
Efforts that Have Been Made in Restoring Mental Psychology and Children Victims of Tsunami

To restore the psychology and mentality of children victims of the tsunami so they can live decent return can be done by several ways. Psychology therapist is one way to restore their psychological condition that led them by playing, singing, dancing and taking the kids for a walk outside so they can forget about all the earthquakes that frequently overshadow their minds so as to increase the motivation and passion for life and learning for children victims of the earthquake.

In addition to using psychological therapies can also use hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is a treatment done on the subject in hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is often used to modify the behavior of the subject, the contents of feelings, attitudes, and conditions such as dysfunctional habits, anxiety, and pain due stress, pain management, and personal development. Some scientists speculated that hypnotherapy stimulate the brain to release neurotransmitters, the chemicals found in the brain, encephalin and endorphin that serves to enhance the mood so that individuals can change the acceptance of illness or other physical symptoms.

Hypnotherapy can also be used to enhance learning optimality. Associated with learning, hypnotherapy can be applied to improve memory, creativity, focus, demolished the boundary walls of the mental (self-limiting mental block) and others this is very useful to develop mentally and psychologically and to forget about the earthquake by the children.
Camp as Place for New Violence

For children victims of the tsunami that loosing their family, besides them the adoption by other families, they generally live in the home or in the social camps. In this place, the kids are starting to look normal life. Some even began to play cheerful and socially, psychologically they seem to have the flexibility or elastic flexibility to quickly adapt to new situations. But not only limited his social life only, but more to prepare and ensure that child victims of disasters do not lose the future for a second time.

Based on study results, in general, children victims of the disaster, is prone to abandonment, treated wrong, and even become victims of violence. While in the country occurred in Sampit conflict and Ambon, for example, we can see how the kids (women) vulnerable to falling victim to trafficking and other victims of violence (child abuse). In a safe family environment too, it is possible the children are also prone to become victims of abuse if their parents can not be strong enough to face the economic pressures and post-disaster stress.

In any disaster, children will always be the first victim and the most suffering. The children victims of tsunami will undoubtedly grow with the wounded soul, prone to be treated wrong and most likely the tsunami disaster that just is the beginning or the door of the possibility of social-psychological disaster other.

Based on the study conducted in one orphanage in Aceh, which became the shelter children and children of tsunami victims - child victims of conflict, which should be a place where they take refuge, but it has a high probability level of violence into a new place.
The concept of positive parenting to restore the psychology and mentality of children victims of tsunami

Positive parenting is a concept that nurtures the soul and instills positive character in children. Parenting patterns which is combine the western and the Qur'an concepts. This concept teaches children to think positive and foster positive characters always on the children and not give room for the children to think up the situation.

It vulnerable for the children of tsunami victims in Aceh disability due to mental and psychological changes they experience life so quickly. They have lost their parents, family, friends playing, shelter, playground, school, and others. If the mental and psychological condition do not be solved by teaching and trying to accept things with a positive, then the impact of psychology and mental disabilities that would happen.

The children have a future that is still long; it should be taught about the spirit rise from adversity. Given the spirit and trained to develop their positive character, then they will not experience the fall for a second time.

This concept includes several things that must be done in stages, continuous, and sustainable. The role of the running of this concept not only their new family where the place they live, but also the environment should support it. The concept includes 1). Immunization of soul, give a strong direction, the ideals of the great, and life vision and mission clearly, 2). Give your precious time for the children, some research indicates that secure attachment between children and or parent or family is very influential on self-acceptance, self esteem, and self-assured children later, while believing themselves very influential on the ability to adapt appropriately to the environment and the ability to be assertive, 3). Create an exciting school, for children, school is their second world after home or family, this means that schools have a role no less important in reconstructing their psychological and mental. School atmosphere with a fun and exciting can forget the sadness of children to what had happened, 4). Build emotional closeness, children who have no emotional attachment with the people closest, in this case a parent or other adult likely to experience problems - psychological problems, which is easily susceptible to interference, neurosis, under achievement, and tend to experience obstacles - servant hood emotions in develop themselves as well as in social relationships.

In short, this study shows how important every parent or guardian has knowledge how to care the children affected by the tsunami, mainly related to the development of their psychology and mental aspects. Hence, researcher recommended the concept of positive parenting as a concept has to offer in raising the children of tsunami victims. A concept taught to every parent to think positive for their children, because with positive thinking, character, psychology, and positive mental well will grow. This concept is not only concern with material intelligence improvement, but also mental. Concept which combines the sources of the latest western and Islamic treasures very rich associated with educating children. Concept is suitable combination was developed in Aceh which has a high Muslim spiritual.

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