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The Influence of Computer Assisted Instruction Method through Macromedia Flash MX 0.7 Program toward Students' Achievement in Learning Adverbs at SMA Islam Al Azhar 6 Serang, Banten.

Abstract:The objective of this research was to find out whether Computer Assisted Instruction method through Macromedia Flash MX Program could influence the eleventh class students of SMA Islam Al Azhar 6 Serang in learning adverbs or not.
The researcher used quasi experimental with pre-test and post-test group design. Population of the research was eleventh class students of SMA Islam Al Azhar 6 Serang, Banten academic year 2007/2008. The sample of this research was all population by using purposive sample. The instruments of the research were pre¬test and pot-test. In testing the reliability of the test, the researcher used Pearson Product moment method. The reliability of pre-test rxy = 0,411, post-test-0,741 MY and r table = 0,404. It means that rxy > r table. In other words, the test was reliable. Further more, in testing the hypothesis, the researcher used t-test of pre-test and post¬test design in order to know whether Computer Assisted Instruction method through Macromedia Flash MX 0.7 had given a significant influence or not toward the students' achievement on learning adverbs.
Based on the result of the t-test and post-test, the students had lack understanding of adverbs. But after they got the treatment, the students had a significant progress in their achievement. It was based on the calculation that is t-test: 5,505 and t-table: 2,06. The researcher found that t-test was higher than t-table (5,505, > 2,06). It means that there was a significant influence of using Computer Assisted Instruction method through macromedia flash MX 0.7 program on learning adverb.
Furthermore, applying Computer Assisted Instruction Method through macromedia Flash MX 0.7 program toward students' achievement on learning adverbs was more effective to the students' post-test result, because it was better than pre-test. It was based on calculation of percentage of the students' progress between pre-test and post-test that was 58,6 %.
The researcher suggested this method was effective and interesting to be used by the English teacher in teaching adverbs.

"This abstract had been examination and got A"

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